
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioMedia freedom : the contradictions of communication in the age of modernity 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioMediações, Tecnologia e Espaço Público: Panorama Crítico da Arte em Mídias Móveis 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioEmergence: the generation of material spaces in Anthony Mc-Call's Line Describing a Cone 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioMyths of the Near Future 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThing Knowledge: A Philosophy of Scientific Instruments 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Cyberactivism of a Dangermouse 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioAlternative Media 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioTelematic embrace visionary theories of art, technology, and consciousness 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioArtaud on theatre 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioWaves - The Art of the Electromagnetic Society (exhib. cat.: HMKV/Phoenixhalle Dortmund 10.05.-29.06.2008) 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe human condition 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioVergessene Zukunft: Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioModernity at large : cultural dimensions of globalization 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Next Layer 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioPAR: Payment for Anonymous Routing 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioEmail-Interview with Giovanni Anceschi by Armin Medosch 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioKlassenanalyse als Klassenkampf : Arbeiteruntersuchungen bei FIAT und Olivetti 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioArt after conceptual art 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioTechnological accommodation of conflicts between freedom of expression and DRM: the first empirical assessment 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioA theory of capitalist regulation : the US experience 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Boundless Self: Communication In Physical And Virtual Spaces (Space, Place, and Society) 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioPirates, Priests and Property 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioYearning: race, gender, and cultural politics 02 years 8 months ago
ImageFields by Martins Ratniks 02 years 8 months ago
ImageForaging Fields 02 years 8 months ago
