
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioAeriology 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioBauhaus 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioAgainst method 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioPostcolonial Media Theory 02 years 8 months ago
Biblio'Propaganda:' History of a Word 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioCaliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioEnduring Western civilization : the construction of the concept of Western civilization and its "others" 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioGreek science, its meaning for us. 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioConstituents of a theory of the media 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioInterview with Hakim Bey 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioAfterword: On beyond research and new knowledge 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Piano Teacher 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Poetics of the Open Work 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioCyber-Marx: cycles and circuits of struggle in high-technology capitalism 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioElectronic culture: technology and visual representation 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioWhere the Action Is : The Foundations of Embodied Interaction (Bradford Books) 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioDigital performance : a history of new media in theater, dance, performance art, and installation 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioEigenblutdoping Selbstverwertung, Künstlerromantik, Partizipation 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioGrounded theory: a thumbnail sketch 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioWhat Can We Learn from Empirical Studies About Piracy? 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioOpen systems : rethinking art c.1970 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioMemories and Perspectives of the OURMedia Network 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioFive Theses on Informational - Cognitive Capitalism 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioF*** you, Buddy 02 years 8 months ago
