
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioThe structure of art, 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioBeyond modern sculpture; the effects of science and technology on the sculpture of this century. 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioPermanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose, Third edition 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioDas Altern der Moderne : Schriften zur bildenden Kunst 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioTheory of the avant-garde 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe author as producer : issues of Soviet literary theory in Walter Benjamin's cultural criticism 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioElectromagnetic Propaganda, The Statement of Industrial Dogma, in Waves 2006, 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioDeafening Silence: Music and the Emerging Climate of Access and Use 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioRace Against The Machine 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioBlogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and beyond: from production to produsage 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioGatewatching: collaborative online news production 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioInteract or die 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Hijacking of the Development Debate: How Friedman and Sachs Got It Wrong 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioLabor and Monopoly Capital. The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioBass Culture: When Reggae Was King 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioFrom tomorrow on : art, activism, technology and the future of independent media 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioRelational aesthetics 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe field of cultural production : essays on art and literature 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioIl lavoro autonomo di seconda generazione 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioSelbstorganisation ... Transformationsprozesse von Arbeit und sozialem Widerstand im neoliberalen Kapitalismus 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioLa tribu delle talpe 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioDigital Media and Democracy: tactics in hard times 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe Role of the Poet in Early Societies 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioIndigenous Domain: Pilgrims, Permaculture and Perl 02 years 8 months ago
BiblioAt the edge of art 02 years 8 months ago
