Ina Zwerger

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
ImageDelighted by the Spectacel 02 years 8 months ago
ImageSurveillance as Social Sorting 02 years 8 months ago
ImageDefending Freedom in the Digital World / EFF 02 years 8 months ago
ImageAre we on the way to a transparent society? 02 years 8 months ago
ImageNo Privacy - No Autonomy! 02 years 8 months ago
ImageIna Zwerger und Armin Medosch 02 years 8 months ago
ImageNo Privacy - No Autonomy! 02 years 8 months ago
ImageArmin Medosch and Ina Zwerger 02 years 8 months ago
ImageArmin Medosch and Ina Zwerger 02 years 8 months ago
Research JournalWebcasts of the Goodbye Privacy Symposium 02 years 8 months ago
Research JournalDie iGesellschaft - Richard Sennett über das Verhältnis von Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit. 02 years 8 months ago