Armin Medosch

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
AudioTeaser: Modernität und Moderne Kunst Wiederentdeckung, Widersprüche und Widersacher (Radiokolleg) 01 year 8 months ago
Research JournalThe Incomplete Paradigm Shift 11 year 8 months ago
Research JournalRewind: Grexit and the Politics of Self-destruction (after Polanyi) 31 year 8 months ago
groupTechnopolitics 01 year 8 months ago
Research JournalFree Networks Between Countryside and City, between North and South 01 year 9 months ago
Research JournalFree Networks: We Are Only Just Beginning 01 year 9 months ago
Research JournalTowards the Network Commons (Conclusions) 01 year 9 months ago
Research JournalGedankenkunst – László Beke and the Art of Ideas 01 year 11 months ago
Research JournalWaves exhibition opened 01 year 11 months ago
Research JournalThe Obsessive Utopia of Mesh Networks 01 year 11 months ago
Research JournalThe Museum of Forever - Interview with Robert Adrian 01 year 11 months ago
Research JournalThe Mixed Political Economy of 02 years 1 week ago
Research JournalThe Social Technologies of the Network Commons (Freifunk 2, draft) 02 years 2 weeks ago
Research JournalThe Future of Memory – the Contemporary in a cul-de-sac 02 years 1 month ago
ImageTechnopolitics mit Doron Goldfarb 02 years 1 month ago
Research JournalLetter to Fidel and Raul Castro 02 years 1 month ago
ImageConsume Workshop at Limehouse Town Hall 02 years 2 months ago
Research JournalFly Freifunk Fly! (Chapter 2, part 2, draft) 02 years 3 months ago
Book pageThe Rise of the Network Commons 02 years 4 months ago
Research JournalConsume the Net: The Internationalisation of an Idea (chapter 2, part 1, draft) 02 years 4 months ago
Research JournalA new public wireless interface: Hivenetworks successfully launch 'Street Radio' in Southampton 02 years 4 months ago
Research JournalHidden Histories - Hive Networks about to launch oral history trail in Southampton 02 years 4 months ago
Research JournalPeriodisations 72 years 4 months ago
Research JournalThe Production of Creative Norms: The Integrative Process, Structural Forms and Culture 12 years 4 months ago
Research JournalTechnopolitics - Die Grenzen der Informationsgesellschaft sprengen 02 years 4 months ago
