Years | Institution | Details |
1987-1991 | University of Applied Art in Vienna | Computer Graphics, Programming, Audiovisual Production |
1989-1992 | Lab for Visual Media, University of Applied Art | Research and teaching in visual media |
1993-1996 | University of Graz | Communication Theory |
1997-2000 | Silverserver | Wireless Networking, Autonomous Networking |
Genres of my Work: New Media Art, in detail: Building analogue and digital machines. More detail: 1=Kinetik-, 2=Radio-, 3=Cybernetic-, 4=Net- or Social-, 5=Prozess-, 6=Generative-, 7=Biological-Art, 8=Time, 9=Space, 10=Authonomy, 11=Global view, 12=Entropy, 13=Information
Year | Location | Title | Description | Genre | References | |
2022 | Linz STWST | 10 Year Gibling - NFP Givecoin | Not Fungible Picture based on own cryptocurrency | NFP | ||
2022 | MS Stubnitz - Hamburg | Radiotopia | Radio Art Summit - Activism in Hertzian Space | Radiotopia | ||
2021 | River Traun - Linz | Art Float Eleonore | Free Media Free INFO - SAT Up-Downlink | Free Media | ||
2020 | Internet | The Third Nature | Digital Word becomes the third Nature | Infolab | ||
2019 | Linz | 48x5 - Sandhole | Build a concave sandhole to collect the past by hydrogen emission of the universe | Infolab STWST48x5 | ||
2019 | STWTST Servus Clubraum | Entropia Quantensturm Clubraum | Making noise with semiconductors and radioactive decay | Infolab | ||
2018 | Biennale Taipei | Patulin | Mycelium Network Society, A molecular structure with mycelium as an alternative to learning about information | Universes Art | ||
2017 | Linz, Amsterdam, Hamburg | WSPR - JT 9 | Autonomous networking in context to art | Funkfeuer | ||
2017 | Graz | Shifing Baselines | Schaumbad - Unplugged - Randomness | Kulturserver | ||
2016 | Wien Museumsquartier | Free Will Generator | Schauraum der Angewandten - Digitale Kunst | Angewandte | ||
2015 | Musikprotokoll Graz | Nixe | Hydrogen sound from macrocosmos | Musikprotokoll | ||
2014 | Riga | Fields | Ghostradio - Static and dynamic field crossing | RixC, Catalogue | ||
2014 | Linz | Fieldworks | Kunst - Wasser - Information | Kunstradio - Radiokunst | ||
2014 | Haibach | Q-Bit | Insite and outsite of Information | Felder | ||
2013 | Linz | Givecoin | Start of a Blockchain Currency | Website | ||
2012 | Linz | Stadtwerkstatt | The New Currency - Gibling | punkaustria | ||
2012 - ongoing | Linz | S=k log W | Infolab of STWST | | ||
2010 - ongoing | Linz - Amsterdam - Hamburg | Artist in Residence | AiR Programm on Boats |
Website eleonore2.pdf |
2009 - ongoing | Linz | Art Consultant | For Stadtwerkstatt (STWST) Linz | Website | ||
2008 | Linz | DoNAUtic | Islands - Isolated in the World of Information | | ||
2008 | Dortmund | Hartware Dortmund | Waves - The Art of the Electromagnetic Society | e-flux Catalogue |
2006 | Riga | Waves | Electromagnetic Waves as Material and Medium for Arts |
The Next Layer Catalogue |
2006 | Graz | medien.KUNSTLABOR |
3rd Year Curator: Netculture vs Netart. Artists and Netactivists: Roland Jankowski, Ferdinand Götz, Bernd Schröckelsberger, Wolfgang Fuchs, Barbara Doser, Hofstetter Kurt,, Lesser Group Austria,, Esel, Michael Aschauer, Sergey Yugov, IPTS, W.A.S., TEA Line, Ferdinand Schmelz, A.Dabrowski, A.List, G.Graf, J.Hofmueller, S.Sauer, C.Kummerer, E.Nindl, A.Kaplan, P.Boehm, P.Tiefenbacher, M.Priesch, C.Traxler, P.Jauernig, B.Hewis, A.Zemene, O.Gsenger, Andreas Marksteiner, R.Urban, P.Stieglecker, H.Schwabl, G.Graf, Heribert Hirschmann, Leo Schatzl, Armin Medosch,, Reni Hofmueller, Seppo Gruendler, OR-OM, Salsaman, Dorian Santner, Tim Boykett. | Catalogue |
2005 | Linz | Der Mythos von Bolshevik | On the river Danube, we were looking for free wireless networks with a motorboat. Our destination was a hack meeting on an island in Bulgaria. | Kurier |
2004 | Graz | medien.KUNSTLABOR |
1st Year Artists and Netactivists: Udo Wid, Jaromil, Albert Weichselbraun, Marc Ries, YAVASG, Sven Guckes, Klaus Knopper, Marcus/Ruediger Krenn, ubermorgen, Franz Krahberger, Peter Ablinger, Marcus Gansberger, Cym, Richard Kriesche, Reichweite, Prima Stadtmusikanten, Sergius Kodera, Herbert Hrachovec, XXkunstkabel, Werkstadt Graz, Vanesa Cvahte, Severin Hofmann, David Moises, Winfried Ritsch, Franz Schaefer, Microgiants, KIG. | |
2003 | Graz | medien.KUNSTLABOR |
Opening of the medien.Kunstlabor. The Dataspind - an automatic server housing system for net artists and people active in net culture. The system was built like luggage lockers in a railway station. | |
2003 | Wien | Funkfeuer | Founding the association of Funkfeuer. Funkfeuer is a free wireless mesh network in Vienna. | |
2003 - ongoing | Eferding | RT03 | Rebuilding of the radio telescope from 1995. | | ||
2001 | Wien | Funknetz - Funkfeuer | Building up a wireless network routes with 15 static nodes in Vienna. | | Book | |
1999 | Wien | Fremdsteuerung | In a display window (subway station: Babenbergerstrasse) was a self-made computer with 100 electrical devices. Over the Internet, users could switch on and off these domestic appliances. | | ||
1999 | Oberösterreich | Mobile Platzsprecher - Festival der Regionen | 10 cars with outside-mounted loudspeakers drove for one week through Upper Austria. On each car was a phone number printed. One could call this number and make public announcements. | KronenZeitung OOE Nachrichten Neues Volksblatt |
Catalogue | |
1997 | Wien | Funknetz - Silverserver | First WiFi experiments, in cooperation with Silverserver | | ||
1997 | Linz | Rearview - Contained - VOEST | A radiotelescope (turnaround 180/360 degrees) has been built up. | | ||
1997 | Wien | Kunsthalle Exnergasse |
1. Internet surfing with a fax machine. 2. A facsimile was redrawn by a computer program written by the artist and was sent back immediately. |
Der Standard | ||
1997 | Graz/Hongkong | A handover project in cooperation with the Werkstadt Graz | Through different ways and media, we tried to reach European friends and media. | | Booklet | |
1996 | Katzow/Ostsee | Sculpturepark Katzow | Built up a 30-meter concave hole. All radiations coming from the universe were concentrated in the focus. |
Kleine Zeitung Kronenzeitung |
1996 | Plueschow | Schloss Plueschow |
1. The Electronic Gallery - a Fido network. 2. TIT for TAT (F.E. Rakuschan) | | Booklet | |
1995 | Ephessos | Place of archeological excavation | Behind a semitransparent mirror was a camera hidden with a sensor. From every passerby a picture was taken automatically. | | ||
1995 | Ampfelwang, OÖ | Coalmine | A memorial to the mountain. Inside the mountain, before the tunnel was shut down forever, a camera with a light was installed. The memorial was the LIVE-Picture from inside the mountain. | | ||
1995 | Wien | VBS | Building up the first DSL-Network in Austria. Together with VBS, ATnet, Silverserver. | | ||
1995 | Linz | ars electronica | HotelTV. You could see "The Electromic Gallery" (50 Artists in a closed FIDOnet) on one channel of the Ramada Hotel. | Das Profil |
1995 | Wien, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck | Die Elektronische Galerie | 50 Artists were invited to send their pictures or text-contributions over a modem or fax machine to a central computer. The slideshow of the pictures was distributed by a FIDOnet. You could see the slideshow in two ways:
1. A LCD-Display in a baroque picture frame 2. A black canvas. Inside the picture was a modem, a computer, and a small television transmitter. If you had the picture in the same room with your TV, you could see the slideshow on channel 38. | Der Standard |
Booklet | |
1995 | Linz | Stadtwerkstatt, Flugshow Wiener Neustadt | On a selfmade powerfill displayarray (20kWatts) you could show figures and characters. The display was built up on a truck. The speed of the characters was inversely proportional to the speed of the truck. It seemed like the text didn't move at all in the landscape. | | ||
1994 | Salzburg | Galerie 5020, Diagonale, Medienkunst vs Videokunst | The view of the Earth from the outside via Meteosat4, together with events on Earth over the course of a year. The time events were collected via teletext and displayed under the 365 clocks hanging as a frieze on the wall. Information as the material of art. | Der Standard | ||
1994 | Bregenz | Magazin 4 - 72 Hours | Three people, three days in a conference call. No privacy. Margarethe Jahrmann, FE Rakunschan, and Thomas Feuerstein. |
Bregenzer Kunstverein V Nachrichten Vorarlberger Nachrichten |
1993 | Rostock | Stubnitz, Kunst Raum Schiff | 1. Kunstlabor built up a typical Labsituation. 2. The Exhibition. The ORBIT: 9 TV-Monitors showing a live picture from the earth (Meteosat). | Die Presse Regional Regional2 |
1993 | Linz | ars electronica | Molectronic Network. An installation between nature and technology. | Picture Kronenzeitung |
Catalogue | |
1993 | Bregenz | Ästhetik des Werdens | Ein Labor wurde aufgebaut. Ergebnis: Eine ferngesteuerte Kugel mit einem Modellauto fuhr durch Bregenz und auf dem Bodensee. |
V Nachrichten Bregenzer Kunstverein |
1993 | Venedig | Casino Container | Die Elektronische Galerie | Medienkunstnetz | ||
1993 | Wien | Dead Dog Gallery | Inverted Channel – Ergebnisse eines Kunstlabors wurden im Keller des Freihauses in Wien präsentiert. |
Bild Der Standard Falter |
1992 | Linz | Maschinenkampf – VOEST | Auf dem VOEST-Gelände wurden zwei ferngesteuerte Maschinen gebaut (Leo Schatzl / Franz XAVER). Regeln: max. 3000 kg, max. 300 PS, max. Kampfradius 6 m, keine Geschosse, Kampfarena 50 m x 50 m. |
Video (mpg, 100 MB) Kronenzeitung |
1992 | Linz | Stifterhaus | Fraktale Geometrie – Kunst und Bionik |
Vasulka AEC Kronenzeitung OÖ Nachrichten |
Heft | |
1992 | Bonn | Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD | Erdsicht. Global Change |
Kunsthalle Bonn Presse |
Heft | |
1992 | Mailand | Triennale Milano | Tür für Expo 2000 | Bild | ||
1991 | St. Veit a.d. Glan | Transformator | Am Dorfplatz war in einem Container das Livebild einer Rolltreppe der Wiener U-Bahn zu sehen (Überwachungskamera). | Bild Presse Kurier |
Heft | |
1991 | Salzburg | Salzburger Künstlerhaus – Die Augen der Minerva | Auf Fernsehkanal 37 konnte man einen Apfel beim Faulen zusehen. | Salzburger Nachrichten | ||
1990/91 | Horn / Graz / Prag | Im Licht des Monitors | Gruppenausstellung, kuratiert von Dieter Bogner |
Grazer Kunstverein Transmitter-X Valie Export |
Katalog | |
1990 | Neue Galerie Linz | Zwei interaktive Türen |
Prost: Über einen Münzeinwurf von ATS 10.- wurde der Rolladen hochgezogen.
Das lebensgroße Foto des Künstlers zeigte ihn mit einem Glas Bier. Klopfzeichen: Klopfzeichen an die Tür wurden leicht verändert wiedergegeben. |
OÖ Nachrichten Bild Der Standard |
Heft | |
1990 | Aperto Biennale Venedig | Sphärenklänge | Das Bild der Erde wurde von einer Antenne empfangen und in der Ausstellung wurde das Livesignal sichtbar gemacht. Parallel dazu wurde ein Zeitrafferfilm der Wolkenbewegungen auf eine Scheibe auf dem Boden projiziert. Lichtsssensoren die darauf positioniert waren konnten darauf verschoben werden. |
Projektbeschreibung Biennale Katalog Die Presse Der Standard |
Heft | |
1989 | Wien | U4 More Media Torture | Mediales Event der Meisterklasse für visuelle Medien | Beiträge FX Bilder | ||
1988 | Linz | ars electronica | RadioARTives Konferenzmöbel | AEC Archiv | Katalog | |
1987 | Wien | Secession | Junge Szene | Nomaden der Zeit | Katalog | |
1987 | Wien | HS f. angew. Kunst | Im Bauch des Biestes | Bild | Katalog | |
1987 | Linz | Ars Electronica | Riemengetrieben über das Verhältnis von PI | |||
1986 | Wien | Galerie V&V | Konsum und Kommunikation | | Heft | |
1986 | Linz | ars electronica | Transformation der Bewegung | AEC Archiv | Katalog | |
1985 | Wien | Studium | Visuelle Mediengestaltung | |||
1984 | Wels | Zeitmaschinen, Laserinstallation | Skulpturen und Laserinstallation | | ||
1984 | Bielefeld | Zeit und Raum "hautnah" | Kinetische Objekte |